
Non Sergical Treatment

Facial / Legs Thread Vein Removal

Facial / Legs Thread Vein Removal

Improve or eliminate unsightly and painful spider veins with laser treatments.

A laser spider and varicose vein removal treatment is a non-invasive and virtually pain free procedure designed to remove veins using a highly concentrated beam of light. During this procedure, the light sends pulses to the vein, targeting blood vessels without harming the surrounding tissue. The light heats up the blood, causing it to clot and break down the blood vessel.

Due to the body’s natural healing process, the blood will be reabsorbed, while the veins will disappear. Because the laser light used in this spider and varicose vein treatment goes straight to the vein, there is little or no risk of burns or blisters on the skin.

Facial thread veins are removed with the use of a laser. Laser light is directed at the unwanted veins, causing them to heat up extremely quickly; they then break down and collapse in on themselves. The process is called photothermolysis.

Our state-of-the-art lasers eliminate only the unwanted red veins and the treatment doesn’t affect surrounding skin, leaving you with healthy and clear, vein-free skin.

Laser treatments offer a safe, fast and proven way of minimizing facial thread veins. Our clients often see a visible reduction in unwanted veins by as much as 75% with one to three treatments, so you can expect to say goodbye to red veins and say hello to beautiful, vein-free skin.

Thread Vein Removal Faqs

What are Spider Veins?

Unwanted and unattractive blood vessels called spider veins appear mostly on the legs, occasionally on the face, or elsewhere. Spider veins can be short, unconnected lines, each about the size of a large hair, they may be connected in a scraggly, ‘sunburst’ pattern, or they may even look like a spider-web or a tree with branches. Sometimes they occur on a small area and aren’t very noticeable, or they can cover a large area of skin and be quite unattractive.

What causes Spider Veins?

Although the exact cause of spider veins is unknown, it is known that they are related to abnormal blood flow in the affected veins. Any condition or activity that puts pressure on leg veins (such as gaining weight and sitting or standing for long periods of time), can contribute to their development. Spider veins often appear during pregnancy. Other contributing factors include sustaining an injury in the affected area, taking medications that affect hormones, such as birth control pills, advanced age, and a family history of spider veins. Spider veins on the nose or face, which typically appear as unsightly red or pink clusters, may also be related to overexposure to the sun.

Is FACIAL THREAD VEIN removal safe ?

Absolutely. The laser targets only the unwanted veins, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. You may experience some bruising or swelling after treatment, but this should subside within 72 hours.

Is FACIAL THREAD VEIN removal right for me?

During your consultation, your doctor or nurse will discuss your suitability for this treatment. Due to how the laser distinguishes colour, it may not be suitable for those with a darker skin tone.

What Should You Expect During Laser the Spider Vein Removal Procedure

During a Laser Spider Vein Removal procedure, the light sends pulses to the vein, targeting blood vessels without harming the surrounding tissue. The light heats up the blood, causing it to clot and break down the blood vessel. Because of the body’s natural healing process, the blood in the targeted veins will be reabsorbed, while the veins will disappear. Because the laser light used in this spider and varicose vein treatment goes straight to the vein, there is little or no risk of burns or blisters on the skin.

Immediately after the treatment the vessel may appear redder for 1-2 weeks. Then, the unsightly red veins are significantly diminished and the skin is returned to a more natural, uniform state. It is important to remember, however, that laser removal does not deter the normal effects of ageing and that treatment does not prevent the occurrence of new spider veins.


Very minor area from £140
Minor area from £185
Intermediate area from £225


There are two effective treatment options for Leg Thread Veins. One is laser treatment that breaks down unwanted veins using brief pulses of laser light. The light heats up the vein very quickly causing them to collapse in on themselves. The process is called photothermolysis.

We also offer Sclerotherapy, which involves the injection of a medical solution into the vein that results in microscopic damage to the cells, causing the vein to close, then disperse.


A combination of both treatments may be advised, depending on the nature of your leg thread veins. In your consultation, the best treatment for you will be discussed and agreed.

Laser Treatment is best for smaller Thread Veins, whereas Sclerotherapy is often used for larger Thread Veins and also for people with darker skin tones, for whom laser treatments are not advised.

Laser Spider Vein Removal or Sclerotherapy?

Laser surgery is more appealing to some patients because it does not use needles or incisions. Still, when the laser hits the skin, the patient feels a heat sensation that can be uncomfortable. Cooling helps reduce the pain. Laser treatments last for 15 to 20 minutes. For spider veins larger than 3 mm, laser therapy is not very practical.

Until recently, most spider leg veins were treated with sclerotherapy. This technique involves injecting a sclerosing solution directly into the vein, causing it to close up and disappear into the body within a matter of weeks. Eventually, the vein becomes barely noticeable or invisible.

Preparing For Your Laser Spider Vein Removal Treatment.

Patients should avoid strong sunlight during the course of treatment and for at least 3-4 weeks afterwards. It is recommended that an SPF 30 is used on treated areas. Tanned skin cannot be treated and patients must not use any tanning or skin darkening products 6 weeks ahead of and during the entire treatment period.


Minor area from from £140
Intermediate area from from £285